Launching the SMART Innovative Learning Hub

House of Romanian Academy – 2 February 2018 ~

In view of better supporting and promoting the access of Romanian relevant stakeholders/beneficiaries to the European Funds mostly related to the bioeconomy, innovation, sustainable development, good governance, the International Honorary Chair “Jean Bart” in favour of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (CIO-SUERD), project founded by EUROLINK-House of EuropeFoundation in 2012, in partnership with the Romanian Academy, will launch at the House of the Romanian Academy, on the 2nd of February 2018, the “SMART Innovative Learning Hub”. Other main Institutional Partners are: the Local Communities along the Danube River Association (CLDR), the Romanian Smart City and Mobility Association, the Professional Association for Quality in Training for Public Administration (CINAQ) and URBASOFIA Agency (Rome-Bucharest).

The above mentioned Hub will play the role catalyst and institutional lobby mechanism aimed to reunite new transnational partnerships through the participation to important European networks and projects. As Romania is placed on the last place in acceding European Funds from Programs such as Horizon2020, URBACT, UIA etc., this Hub is highly needed in this period.

Among the Special Guest Speakers we mention: from DANUBEPARKS – Network of Protected Areas – Dr. Grigore BABOIANU, Honorary Member/former Governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation; from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – State Secretary Cristian WINZER; from the National Agency for Protected Natural Areas, President Florian UDREA; Academician Prof. Nicolae MANOLESCU, Dr.H.C. Honorary Member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Also leading project management consultants from Italy, Germany and France will attend this meeting.

For more information, please contact the Technical Secretariat at phone/fax: 021.2304997 or e-mail:

For conformity,
CLDR Association

Comunicat de PresăHub-ul ”SMART Innovative Learning” a demarat în favoarea creșterii accesului României la programele complexe UE